STORM Hits Tampa!
Saw Mill Club aquatics swim team STORM won 1st Place in the 2017 Greater Tampa Swim Association Championship Meet held recently in Tampa, Florida. STORM’s 63 swimmers beat out 16 competing teams from across the country and achieved a total team score of 2,055. STORM’s winning score is 567 points higher than the score of Greater Tampa Swim Association’s home team, who took home second place with a total of 1,488 points earned by its 121 swimmers. STORM’s high point individual winners were Davia Richardson (8 & Under Girls); Haley Penn (9-10 Girls); Jasmine Chang (11-12 Girls); Kieran Brown (13-14 Boys); and Darrien Johnsen (13-14 Boys). Congratulations to all of STORM’s amazing swimmers! If you’d like to learn more about how your child can be involved in STORM, please contact Head Coach Chris Jankowski at 914-752-6927 or email StormAquatics.SMC@gmail. com.