Introducing Ladder Tennis Leagues
A great way to get better at playing matches!
10 week Session Starts February 24
A new ladder system that generates play schedule, tracks team records,
and team standings throughout the season.
Sign up with your partner for the 10-week commitment to get ready for the MITL/USTA seasons!
Champion of each division receive 3 semi-private sessions with one of our Pros!!
Only official USTA ratings
Day/ Time:
2.5 League: Monday 11:30–1:30pm
3.0 League: Monday 11:30–1:30pm
3.5 League: Thursday 11:30–1:30pm
League Fee: $230.00
Tennis Director Zuka Mukhuradze 914 733-4007
Tennis Office Manager Oksana Mikhailova 914 733-4006