Is Your Racquet in Tune for the Summer?
Pro Shop by Solfire Offers Full-Service Racquet Tune Up
The Pro Shop offers exclusive racquet servicing for all members of Saw Mill Club!
On average, any player should restring their racquet at least twice a year. In addition to restringing, re-gripping your racquet is equally as important.
Grommet sets should also be replaced, as the top of the frame gets worn down over time. Protecting your frame will increase the longevity and feel of your racquet.
Looking for a new racquet? Sign up for our demo program, which allows you to check out up to three racquets at once.
We’d love to answer any questions you may have regarding your game and equipment. Stop by the Pro Shop by Solfire to fine tune your equipment for the Summer!
For more information, contact the Pro Shop:
Phone: (914) 241-0797
Email: proshop@sawmillclub.com