(914) 241-0797 77 Kensico Dr., Mt Kisco, NY 10549 Weekdays 5:30am – 10:30pm Weekends 6:30am – 8:00pm
(914) 242-9760 333 N. Bedford Rd, Mt Kisco, NY 10549 Weekdays 5:00am – 10:00pm Weedends 6:30am – 6:00pm

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  Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga w/ Makea Pregnancy requires a special focus on safety just as postnatal bodies need to regain strength and energy that may have been lost during pregnancy. Build community and maintain friendships made during this special time. Classes also address common issues and concerns that may arise in this new chapter of life. Sundays 10:00–11:15am Starts January 3 Members: $20 per class $90 /6 classes Non members: $25 per class $120 /6 classes For more info contact Yoga Director Kathleen Goldring or Makea: Kathleen Email: kgoldring@sawmillclub.com Makea Email: mekeaf@gmail.com

Master Your Psoas Yoga Master Class Master Psoas: Untapped Potential for Asana Mastery with Lara Heimann The internal awareness that develops through yoga is the most important tool for learning to awaken and release the psoas muscle. The psoas is central in many yoga poses and affects your entire core, the spine and the hips. Come practice, move and learn techniques to release the psoas and bring new freedom, ease and structural integrity to your yoga practice. Saturday October 10th 10:30am – 12:30pm View Flyer Members $30 Non Members $40 For more info:  ohrawellness@gmail.com

Turn over a new leaf this Fall! Find out what everyone is raving about! Join Ohra Yoga’s 200 hour RYS Fall Teacher Training program 4 month program Starts October 23 Meets over 7 weekends & 12 weeknights check out www.ohrayoga.com for more details View Flyer Contact Michelle Briks to register: Phone: (888) 980-OHRA (6472) Email: ohrawellness@gmail.com

Wheels on Fire - Tending the Sacred Heart Fire A Backbending Master Class by Lori McAlister Saturday September 19th 12:30-2:30pm Journey into a progressive heart-opening flow toward Urdhva Dhanurasana (upward facing bow pose) aka wheel. Wheel strengthens and lengthens the vertebrae, counteracting the spine compression that occurs as we age. Practice tuning into the intelligence of the heart center as it guides you to deep inner wisdom, a fire that demands tending. Level: Advanced beginner - intermediate Cost: $30 members $40 non-members To register: Contact Michelle: ohrawellness@gmail.com

Join Ohra Yoga’s 200 hour RYS Teacher Training Summer Immersion This 4.5 week summer immersion Meets Monday–Friday July 14–August 12 Mondays: 12:00– 8:00 Tuesdays: 12:30–8:30 Wednesdays: 12:30–8:45 Thursdays: 1 1:00–7:00 Fridays: 9:30–5:30 Small group classes and personal attention make this the perfect choice for all Yogis this summer! check out www.ohrayoga.com for more details View Flyer Contact Michelle Briks to register: Phone: (888) 980-6472 Email: ohrawellness@gmail.com