(914) 241-0797 77 Kensico Dr., Mt Kisco, NY 10549 Weekdays 5:30am – 10:30pm Weekends 6:30am – 8:00pm
(914) 242-9760 333 N. Bedford Rd, Mt Kisco, NY 10549 Weekdays 5:00am – 10:00pm Weedends 6:30am – 6:00pm

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Swim Programs

One of the best things about working out in a pool is the deceptive ease of movement. Since the water effectively reduces your weight, exercises done in a pool can feel less strenuous; but make no mistake – your muscles are getting the full benefit of the exertion. If you doubt this, take a look at Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps – he eats 12,000 calories per day and yet pool work keeps him lean and strong. Water: Nature’s Strength-Trainer Of course, you’re probably not an Olympic-level athlete, and so the workouts

Did you know that swimming can help to shave off pounds while providing a great cardiovascular workout? In fact, swimming can also help build endurance by the sheer fact that time in the pool is more easily sustained by most athletes than time on the track. This means that you can burn calories by working out for longer periods of time, and have more fun in the process! Swimming, regardless of experience level or age group, can be your primary workout or year-round complement to your regular, physical-fitness regimen. Aside from