(914) 241-0797 77 Kensico Dr., Mt Kisco, NY 10549 Weekdays 5:30am – 10:30pm Weekends 6:30am – 8:00pm
(914) 242-9760 333 N. Bedford Rd, Mt Kisco, NY 10549 Weekdays 5:00am – 10:00pm Weedends 6:30am – 6:00pm

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SMC East

Saw Mill Club is proud to announce the promotion of Katie Simco to the newly created position of Assistant Fitness Director at Saw Mill Club East.  Katie comes to East after having been one of the top producing trainers at Saw Mill Club for the last seven years. Trained in Italy by TechnoGym she has also been the SMC Technogym Software Coordinator since 2014, implementing the introduction of this award winning fitness system. In addition, Katie is an avid Sprint triathlon and Obstacle course competitor having placed in the top three in her age group at the Sleepy

Top 3 Reasons for Setting Fitness Goals 3 reasons why you must set fitness goals Imagine two scenarios. In the first, Brett scores a great deal on a gym membership. He goes to the gym twice a week and works out for about an hour. He likes the gym but gives it no further thought. After a couple of months, he gets busy and stops going. In the second scenario, Ann goes to the club with the goals of losing two pounds every two weeks and reducing her stress. Her goals give

Age-appropriate fitness activity for girls and boys 6-10 years old to reap the physical and emotional benefits of exercise in a fun and non-competitive environment! New Groups Starting October 2! 6 week program for kids 6–10 years old Fridays 4:30–5:15pm $60 for members $120 for non-members Contact East Fitness Director Kris Geier: Phone: 914-752-6910 Email: kgeier@sawmillclub.com

The weightless exercise routine We all want to try and keep after our fitness regime as best as possible but there is the matter of being able to carve time out from our day. There is never enough time for most everything we need to do. Lucky for you there are several "weightless exercises" you can do when you can't make it down to the gym to do reps. Wall Sit Much like it sounds, this exercise is a great way to strengthen the legs without the need for machines. Stand with your