Labor Day Club Hours
Saw Mill Club Labor Day Hours Saw Mill Club East Labor Day Hours
Labor Day Poolside Barbecue
Labor Day Poolside Barbecue Monday, September 7, 2015 Noon to 4 pm All you can eat! Hanger Steak Grilled Chicken Kabob Hamburger Hot Dog Tuna,Egg and Chicken Salad Garden Salad Cookies, Brownies Ice Tea and Lemonade DJ and Prizes Adults $20 Children $10 Children under 3 free Tax Included
The weightless exercise routine
The weightless exercise routine We all want to try and keep after our fitness regime as best as possible but there is the matter of being able to carve time out from our day. There is never enough time for most everything we need to do. Lucky for you there are several "weightless exercises" you can do when you can't make it down to the gym to do reps. Wall Sit Much like it sounds, this exercise is a great way to strengthen the legs without the need for machines. Stand with your
The Women’s Aquatics Locker Room is getting a makeover
Attention Members: Great News The Women’s Aquatics Locker Room at Saw Mill Club East is getting a makeover. Additional shower capacity will be added to increase the usage and utility of the Aquatics Locker Room when the club's Storm Swim Team is using the pools. Work will commence Wednesday August 19th and is is expected to take 2 weeks to complete. Thank you for your patience while we improve your club experience
How Technogym Enhances Your Trainer Relationship
[av_one_full first] [av_textblock size='' font_color='' color=''] [/av_textblock] [/av_one_full][av_one_full first] [av_textblock size='' font_color='' color=''] How Technogym Enhances Your Trainer Relationship If you've been in our club room lately, you've probably seen the Technogym logo on our most advanced equipment